
Have you ever enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan, just to discover in January that your doctor doesn’t accept your new coverage, or to realize you should have stayed in a particular network? As a result, you had to remain in a plan that was less suitable for your specific needs for an entire year.
Life can be difficult without the convenience of a credit card – but if you are just starting out on your own and have no job yet, or you’re down on your luck and currently unemployed, will you be able to qualify for a credit card? The answer is yes, within limitations. When credit card
By Eric Olsen, Executive Director, HELPS Nonprofit Law Firm It’s a constant struggle to stay afloat financially on disability income. Many disabled persons have credit card debt they can’t pay, often incurred before they were disabled. What can disabled persons do about telephone calls and letters from collectors? What happens if you are sued? As
By Roshni Chowdhry, head of customer experience at SafetyNet Being laid off is not something most people plan for. Even though unemployment is low right now, some industries (including retail) have seen several layoffs in recent months. The bad news is that nobody is fully immune to layoffs. The good news? It’s possible to survive
The holidays are upon us. For those of us feeling a financial pinch, this can be a time of stress and worry rather than one of happiness and caring. We hope that this article will remind you how to do more with less and how to stick to a budget for gift-giving. As for the
You’re reviewing your credit card bill and find some odd charges. How did you rack up hundreds of dollars in online gaming charges? Your first thoughts may be fraud – but before filing a fraud report, think about who has access to your credit card. Do your children know where your credit card is and
The ability to save money is one of the many skills one must learn in order to become financially successful, and one of the most difficult. Moody’s Analytics analyzed different demographics and determined that savings rates increase as we age. Sadly, according to their data, only one age group saves between ten and fifteen percent
What happens to your financial accounts when you pass away? They will be passed along to the beneficiary or beneficiaries designated for that account – but what happens when your beneficiaries are out-of-date? For example, what if your beneficiary passes away before you do? How about an old account where you named your children as
You want to throw a holiday party but simply cannot afford to spend big bucks in the process. The holidays are full of expenses already without dropping hundreds or even thousands of dollars on festivities. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to cut down on holiday party costs and still create a great atmosphere. Consider
You have many factors to consider when choosing a credit card — interest charges, rewards programs, security measures, and the like — but do you ever consider the price-matching perk? Are you even aware that credit cards can offer price matching? Price matching may go by different names such as “price guarantee” or “price protection”,
Do you know how your mortgage loan officer is compensated? You should if you plan to buy a home, because your loan officer’s compensation could have the potential to affect your mortgage loan – and proposed new changes could amplify the effects. At the beginning of 2014, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) significantly changed
Student loan debt in America has topped $1.5 trillion dollars, and millennials hold a large amount of that debt burden. As of 2017, 37.5% of Americans with student loan debt were under the age of thirty. A new study by MagnifyMoney highlights the difficulties millennials face because of their debt. Since student debt draws money
Black Friday arrives on Friday, November 23. Do you plan to join the frenzied early sales with hundreds of your fellow consumers, scour the Internet for online bargains as soon as you’ve digested your Thanksgiving turkey, or wait until the first shopping wave dies down and take your chances a little later in the day?
You’re never too old to learn new things – including better money management practices. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) agrees. To address financial literacy concerns, the FDIC created the Money Smart teaching program in 2001 to help educators and financial institutions increase consumer understanding of basic financial systems work and how to use them
Nearing the Limit The housing market has suffered from excess demand and limited supply for years, causing a sharp increase in home prices. Add continually increasing interest rates to the mix, and eventually something has to give. The turning point may have arrived. The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller report shows that home prices are still rising,
Since 2009, the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) has helped qualified homeowners with limited equity in their homes find affordable refinancing. After seven program extensions, HARP is scheduled to end December 31, 2018, when new assistance programs from the mortgage-loan-backing agencies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will take its place. In the wake of the
Most consumers know that credit cards can come with fees other than interest charges applied to balances. Annual fees, late payment fees, balance transfer fees, cash advance fees, foreign transaction fees … the list goes on. Did you know that debit cards could have fees as well? If not, don’t feel bad. In a recent
Credit Scoring Improvements Credit card issuers want accurate ways to assess risk while opening credit lines to potential new customers. The credit scoring system they choose plays a huge role. In recent years, both the VantageScore and Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO) systems have released newer versions expected to help consumers who are fiscally responsible but
You have several credit cards and a couple of killer rewards programs. Why not put them to good use and charge every purchase that you can? It’s smart to get the most out of your credit cards, but do so within a budget and with one thought in mind – “Is a credit card the
The Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) has arguably been one of the most successful programs to assist homeowners affected by the subprime mortgage crisis. According to HousingWire, almost 3.5 million homeowners have been assisted by the program, with around 1 million of those homeowners having been underwater (owing more on their home than it was
A reverse mortgage allows you to convert the equity in your home to cash that you can use for other purposes. Essentially, you’re selling your home back to a lender in increments. It’s a popular method for seniors to supplement living expenses. Repayments don’t begin until the owner permanently moves out of the home, passes
You may think you have an average credit score – but do you really? How does your credit score compare to the national average? How about within your age group? Thanks to new information from FICO, you can see where you stand. The average FICO score reached an all-time high of 704 this year– right