Home Debt Management

When it comes to owning a home, some surprises aren’t as welcome as others. If you just found out that your outstanding mortgage balance is more than your home is worth, you have what’s known as an underwater mortgage, also known as an upside-down mortgage. If you have an upside-down mortgage, don’t panic. You have
Three things in life are certain: taxes, iPhone updates and unexpected expenses. Unexpected expenses can cost homeowners a lot – even their homes. If you’re struggling to make your mortgage payments because of a medical emergency, an accident or the upheaval we all experienced during the COVID-19 lockdowns, you’re not alone. In March 2021, over
If you’ve been through bankruptcy, you may feel more cautious than ever about taking out new loans – especially on your home. But if you’re careful and well informed, refinancing can help you save money and unlock the equity in your home at a low-interest rate. What Are the Reasons To Refinance After Bankruptcy?  There